* I am not mentioning a particular time as you can schedule it according to your convenience. Remember to space each meals 2-3 hours apart.

* Take your break fast within half an hour after you wake up. So you won't crash your metabolism.

* Adjust the portion of the food according to your body weight and calorie requirements.

* Protein shakes and meal replacements stated below are optional and only for your convenience. Don't think they are some magic powders that can make you slim overnight. You can also substitute other healthier foods in place of these.

Sample Weight Loss Meal Plan 

Meal 1

Oat Meal
A piece of fruit (Apple or Banana)
Egg Whites or Protein Shakes

Meal 2

MRP's or Meal Replacement Powders

Meal 3

Brown Rice
Green Vegetables or Fibrous Vegetables

Meal 4

MRP or Protein Shakes
Whole Wheat Bread

Meal 5 

Chicken Breast
Brown Rice or Wheat Bread

Meal 6

Canned Tuna or Low Fat Cheese
Green Fibrous Vegetables
EFA or Essential Fatty Acids